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English/Writing/Reading Comprehension/Math/Law School Tutor

I have been blessed with successful teaching experience for more than 25 years. I do love it. I stress the laying of a solid foundation in Reading Comprehension and speed in all subjects. In English, Writing and Speaking, and Legal Studies my students have ranged from PhD and JD candidates to high school juniors. In Mathematics, ASVAB, and Middle School students are the focus. In Biology, Physical Science, and Earth Science, my students range from middle school to 10th grade. Over the yea...

algebra 1

American history


1ST-2ND YEAR UNDERGRADUATE-SENIOR HIGH THROUGH MIDDLE SCHOOL ONLY. My Grandmother's ambition for me was to be a physician. Consequently, I had two years of Biology in High School and another year of anatomy and physiology in undergraduate school. Later, as a practicing attorney (after I changed my mind), I was extensively involved in personal injury and medical malpractice cases, and my background served me well. In order to cross-examine expert physicians in different fields of Biology, the attorney is obliged to learn the subject area as well. When I returned to my first love, teaching, in the D.C. School system, my knowledge of Biology, Anatomy, and Physiology was discovered by a school principal, and I have been tutoring students with it ever since. Biology, Anatomy, and Physiology are the bases for understanding good health. Consequently, I often combine Health, Biology, Anatomy, and Physiology and sports to show students the relevance of knowing our bodies in order to be the best we can be.







government & politics


Psychology was my other undergraduate major. I have always been fascinated with the science of the individual human mind, and have retained a fascination with the relatively new science of bio-psychology. Because I also teach math, I can assist students with statistics as well as the concepts and constructs of perception, learning, motivation, abnormal behavior, etc.


My Grandmother's ambition for me was to be a physician. Consequently, I had two years of Biology in High School and another year of anatomy and physiology in undergraduate school. Later, as a practicing attorney (after I changed my mind), I was extensively involved in personal injury and medical malpractice cases, and my background served me well. In order to cross-examine expert physicians in different fields of Biology, the attorney is obliged to learn the subject area as well. When I returned to my first love, teaching, in the D.C. School system, my knowledge of Biology, Anatomy, and Physiology was discovered by a school principal, and I have been tutoring students with it ever since. Biology, Anatomy, and Physiology are the bases for understanding good health. Consequently, I often combine Health, Biology, Anatomy, and Physiology and sports to show students the relevance of knowing our bodies in order to be the best we can be.


My Grandmother's ambition for me was to be a physician. Consequently, I had two years of Biology in High School and another year of anatomy and physiology in undergraduate school. Later, as a practicing attorney (after I changed my mind), I was extensively involved in personal injury and medical malpractice cases, and my background served me well. In order to cross-examine expert physicians in different fields of Biology, the attorney is obliged to learn the subject area as well. When I returned to my first love, teaching, in the D.C. School system, my knowledge of Biology, Anatomy, and Physiology was discovered by a school principal, and I have been tutoring students with it ever since. Biology, Anatomy, and Physiology are the bases for understanding good health. Consequently, I often combine Health, Biology, Anatomy, and Physiology and sports to show students the relevance of knowing our bodies in order to be the best we can be

SAT math

world history


After an undergraduate major in Economics, a significant portion of my career as an attorney has entailed domestic and international business development. This means that I have been instrumental in assisting many businesses of Commerce achieve success. I have been a financial analyst for the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission and a Business Development Attorney for the U.S. Department of Commerce. I have also worked as a Budget Analyst for the Mayor of the District of Columbia. The main areas where students have trouble in Economics are the mathematical modeling and statistics. I can help. Tutoring is for senior high and undergraduate students only.





SAT reading

SAT writing

physical science


Geology is a fascinating subject that lets us know the condition and probable fate of the physical earth. I have no formal education in this subject except a high school course in which I made an "A." I am willing to help any student who has difficulty with the concepts, as they are easy to teach and learn with a little patience. I have assisted about a dozen students in Anne Arundel County with making at least a "B" in their Geology courses.


My extensive experience with the TOEFL examination of English usage proficiency resulted from the interface between Immigration Practice and English teaching. Many of my student clients needed to pass the TOEFL to be admitted to American Colleges. I was in a position to help and so I did. I have now been assisting TOEFL students from the senior high level to the Phd level for almost 20 years.



A significant portion of my career as an attorney has entailed domestic and international business development. I am a former adjunct Professor of Business Law and Contracts at the Antioch University School of Law in Yellow Springs, Ohio. One of my undergraduate majors was economics, and I have been a financial analyst for the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission and a business development attorney for the U.S. Department of Commerce. I also served as a business development consultant for two community development corporations in Baltimore. I have also been a business owner from 1988 until 2008, managing a successful immigration, business consulting, and real estate practice. I no am longer active in the business field, preferring to focus upon teaching and tutoring. I enjoying assisting students in understanding the sometimes complex and mathematical concepts involved in the microeconomic analysis required by undergraduate and advanced senior high school curricula.




Most of my tutoring for tests has involved the SAT, ACT, and ASVAB. However, because of legal-medical training I received, and a nurse I represented some years ago, I discovered that I could also boost test scores for nurses who were taking the TEAS. Except for its emphasis on science for nurses, contrary to popular belief and rumor, the TEAS is not more difficult than the SAT and is less difficult than the GRE in the medical fields. Since 1995, I have successfully assisted only about two dozen students with the TEAS, mainly because most have not heard about my tutoring for this exam, and I have not tried to advertise; being preoccupied with my total load. Because of the increasing demand for medical training and supply of jobs in these fields, requests for TEAS are growing noticeably here at Wyzant. I can help.

criminal justice

career development

Quinn A. from Baltimore, MD

Mr. Julius was a pleasure to work with. He helped me grasp the material in a way that makes me feel very confident about my chance for success with the LSAT in December 2012. I hope that I can work with him in the future for other legal subject matter. I highly recommend him for any student seeking LSAT preparation. Your financial investment in his services are well worth it.

Patrice S. from Baltimore, MD

My first lesson with Mr. D. went excellent. He was able to go over the problems with me and already had assignments prepared as homework. Additionally he did a great job of being thorough with each problem given and asked. If for some reason I couldn't recall the formula or step because the math had been so long ago, he was extremely patient with me and went over the problem step by step so that I can feel confident doing it next time. Lastly, he knew the areas of math I lacked based off of his diagnostic test and put together a packet to ensure that the area of weakness became my strength. He's an excellent tutor so far!